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A container tag which iterates over a list of all of the blogs in the system. You can use any of the blog tags (such as BlogName, BlogURL, etc — anything starting with “Blog”) inside of this tag set.



The following will list the name and URL to all blogs in the system.

    <p><mt:BlogName>: <mt:BlogURL></p>

The list of blogs can be reduced to only those requested using the above attributes, such as include_blogs. Note that the blogs are returned in alphabetical order, sorted by blog name.

<mt:Blogs include_blogs="1,2,7">
    <p><mt:BlogName>: <mt:BlogURL></p>

1 Comment

afartherroom on November 29, 2010, 6:18 p.m. Reply

A “sort by” attribute would be extremely useful for this tag. It seems to sort alphabetically by default, but I’m coming across a number of situations in which I’d find it far more useful to have them sorted either by Blog ID# or created_on date. Maybe in a later version someday?